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#Movie recommender app movie#
Hassanzadeh O, Consens M (2009) Linked movie data base. ACM, New York, pp 1–8įeng W, Zhang Z, Wang J, Han L (2015) A proxy re-encryption scheme of authorization delegation for multimedia social networks. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantic System, I-SEMANTICS’12. J Web Semant 7:154–165ĭi Noia T, Mirizzi R, Ostuni VC, Romito D, Zanker M (2012) Linked open data to support content-based recommender systems. In this investigation, the system analyzes user feedbacks to evaluate the recommendation accuracy through metrics of precision, recall and F-score rates, while cold-start users make use the system with two MovieLens datasets as main rating reference in the recommendation system.īizer C, Lehmann L, Kobilarov G, Auer S, Becker C, Cyganiak R, Hellmann S (2009) Dbpedia– a crystallization point for the web of data. Knowing that user rating data processing is a large-scale problem in producing high quality recommendations, MapReduce and NoSQL environments are employed in performing efficient similarity measurement algorithms whilst maintaining rating and film datasets. In order to solve cold-start problems, Cluster-based Matrix Factorization is adopted to model user implicit ratings related to Apps usage. Among those films recommended, users can give ratings and feedback, collecting film information from linked data concurrently.

Given that mobile Apps are rapidly growing, the recommender is implemented to support web services in frontend Apps. Movie recommendation systems are important tools that suggest films with respect to users’ choices through item-based collaborative filter algorithms, and have shown positive effect on the provider’s revenue.